Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ticket To Ride!

Anywhere you want to go if you take a plane, train, or bus you will need a Ticket To Ride. Of course you can always drive yourself but it's not always the best way. This past summer when I went to Ethiopia every plane we went on they asked for a Ticket. So in order for me to get to my destination I need a Ticket To Ride. Our lives has the same set up because when we die God will ask for your Ticket To Ride! While were here on Earth this is not our final destination. Just like me going to Ethiopia I was just visiting. We are all visitors here on Earth until we get called home. Only difference is which home are you going to? Is it paradise or fiery pit! With God there is always hope...there is always joy in knowing that paradise is available to everyone. You just need a Ticket To Ride! To obtain the Ticket is the easy part, holding on to your Ticket is the hard part. All you have to do is ask God for the Ticket...But here is the hard part. You see you are unable to use the Ticket until you die. So if you asked God for the Ticket when you are 20 and you live to be 100 then that means, you have to hold on to the ticket for 80 years. Believe me when I say that there is someone out there that would love for you to miss your Ride. The devil will do everything in his power to make sure your Ticket does not get used.

So what is your Ticket and how do you stop the devil from trying to take your Ticket from you. Your Ticket To Ride is our savior Jesus Christ. The Bible says that He is the only way to the Father. That no one will be able to go to the Father unless through Him. God is the destination but Jesus is the Ticket To Ride! The devil doesn't like Christians very much. He would rather have you in a fiery pit then in paradise. He doesn't sound like much of a friend but yet, people rather hang out with the devil then with God. People rather continue to live in sin then in glory. People rather give up there Ticket To Ride then stand up for God. The way you hold on to your Ticket is to fight. Fight your flesh, fight your desires and fight the devil. But how do you fight if you have no weapons? God's Word is the best weapon you need to fight. Read it, learn it and live it. As long as you follow the Word...You will always have your Ticket! It's okay to back slide but remember why are you sliding back? It's only because the devil is trying to take away your Ticket! Every day you hold that Ticket in your hand is a day, your going to have to fight to keep it. Jesus said it Himself if you want to follow Me then you will have to pick up your cross daily. It doesn't say weekly like every Sunday. It says EVERY DAY. If I live to be a 100 or not...My Ticket is clutched in my hands and I'm not letting anybody take that from me. I will stand up for God. I will fight for my Ticket and for my brothers and sisters Ticket as well. Fight for Jesus! Let the world know that they just need a Ticket To Ride to be in paradise!

Yesus Gitano,


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