Thursday, November 12, 2009

Stand Out

Back when I was in High School there was a word that was used to describe people who excelled at academics or sports. In a class that had 30 students if 1 person was able to do really well on a certain subject they were a Stand out! Same thing in sports if one person was faster, stronger, or more agile then that person was a Stand Out! Colleges love people who stand out because then that means the school will stand out. It's the reason athletes make so much. Because they are able to excel at the sport better than most people. Same word applies to God's children. We as Christians are chosen because we have the potential to Stand Out! Now your thinking but how do I have the power to excel at being Christian? The key word is found in the word Christian. Christ gives you the power to excel. There are a lot of people that need healing not just there bodies but there spirits also. Christ came to heal the world...We as Christians have that same power. We are able to heal and bless but some of us lack the faith or the courage to do that. How many of us have seen a homeless man that looks down on is luck and instead of praying with him. We just give him some money and walk away. I know because I have done that. By doing that am I not doing what everybody else does. To Stand Out is to really try to impact this persons life. Tell them about God, pray for them, and give them encouragement.

In the movie Troy with Brad Pitt. A young boy tells Brad Pitts character I wouldn't want to fight the man they want you to face. Brad Pitt looks at the boy and says that's why nobody will remember your name. Two things jump out at me from this one line. One is Fight for God! With all this talk about Darwin and evolution. Fight for God, Fight for what you believe in, Fight the devil and all his ways, but especially Fight for the people that don't know God. Fight for there salvation. The more we can Stand Out the more people we can save. Number 2 is do something so God remembers your name. It's great to get recognition here on Earth but it's so much better to know that God loves you to Stand Out for Him. Jesus Stood Out but yet people rather believe in evolution then the one living God. Now I don't want anybody thinking that they have to stand on street corners and preach in order to Stand Out. Not at all! One of my favorite quotes is Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words. What does that mean is just LOVE. Love God, Love yourself, Love your neighbor, and Love people. Love is showing not saying. Stand Out today by doing something nice for someone you don't know. The world is not getting any easier for Christians so if you can STAND UP for God then you'll definitely STAND OUT!

Yesus Gitano,


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