Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To Clean or not to Clean

Every day in America people clean there houses. Usually Monday through Thursday you'll find me cleaning my house. Since my wife goes to school at night during this time It's my duty to keep our house clean. There are times where I just get really exhausted and I don't feel like cleaning. There are times where I clean really good but the kids make a mess all over again. But my favorite is there are times were I just don't want to clean and my house looks like it was hit by a hurricane. The reason I am bringing up cleaning is because that is essentially what we must do as Christians. In order to stay on the path of righteousness we have to be constantly cleaning our mind, body, and spirit. There are times in our lives we should be praying more or reading the Bible more and we don't. You see if I don't pick up my house daily, My kids will make a mess not purposely but it will get messy. In our lives if we don't ask God to cleanse us daily, the devil will start to come in and make a mess...but he does do it purposely. Just like cleaning our house, it's a duty that needs to get done. So we as Christians cleaning our lives daily is something that needs to be done. I remember when I accepted Jesus, I thought to myself cool I don't have to worry about my life anymore. Meaning I thought I was completely healed of my addiction. I thought because I accepted I would be transformed never to worry about it again. How wrong I was. You see when you accept Jesus, He does transform you BUT you have to do your part. You have to be dedicated and make a commitment to clean every day.

Sometimes I look at my house and be like not again when is the cleaning part ever going to end. I look at myself and I say the same thing. When am I going to be sin free? The truth is our flesh is weak. It will always need to be cleaned and there are times were we will get exhausted and not want to clean today. Remember everyday that you don't clean your heart and spirit. Is a day the devil has the chance to attack. Everyday you get tired and worn out to be in prayer, spend time with God and cleanse your spirit. Your inviting the devil into your life. The devil has been around since the very beginning. He knows everything about humans. He knows our weakness better than we do. He knows how to get us dirty and keep us dirty. He knows how to put dirt in our lives and he also knows that sometimes we will falter in cleaning it up. This is what I love though and what gives me strength and hope. When I clean my house I love the feeling of everything being clean. I take pride in knowing that my house looks nice. I can relaxing knowing that everything is taken care of. The same works with God. When you spend time with Him and He is able to help you clean. You will love the feeling of being free. You love the feeling of not being ashamed. You can relax knowing that God is in control and the devil with all his tricks will never dirty you. God promises that with the blood of Jesus you will be clean! Everyday I get faced with the decsion to Clean or not to Clean? The answer is simple give me my God, His Word, the broom, and the vacuum and I will always choose to stay clean and righteous.

Yesus Gitano,


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