How many people have fallen? How many times have I fallen? It's hard for me to grasp the reality we live in. Our nature is sin...our very being has evil in it. Evil runs through our veins and the devil is always trying to pump more darkness into you. I never met a person who was not angry in there lives. People love sin! My pastor once told me that sin is pleasurable other wise nobody would fall to it. My heart requires goodness yet my life sometimes has anger and selfishness. Why? The one reason that I came up with is because I fail. We all fail!! No one person in this world can conquer sin by themselves. Here in America we walk around like everybody we know life is so great. But behind the scenes there are battles within ourselves. Battles that make us warriors or cowards. Our hearts desire peace and yet houses across America are filled with domestic warfare. There are more than 6 billion people in the world today. I have to wonder how many of those are fallen. I have to think that not all 6 billion plus will be saved and it breaks my heart. What's worse than that is for the people that are going to be saved or trying to be saved. That's where the devil attacks the most. When you are part of the are part of the devil's alliance. So there is no need for him to bother you. But when you become Christian as soon as you say yes to Jesus. Your name just went up on the devils most wanted list and the more you glorify God. The more your name gets hated by the devil.
I fail over and over because I try to beat sin on my own. I prostitute God's love because I choose to say when I need him and when I don't. I am unworthy because I use God. This is why the world fails and why so many have fallen. They build them selves up so much that they can't be humble. You can have everything yet still have nothing. Because you don't see the value of God and you don't see what your worth. God values each and everyone of us so much that He is willing to offer you grace. What I come to love about God is that He is your friend for life. He wants only the best for you. He doesn't care that you fail...He cares that you learn. He understands the devils ways and He does everything He can to equip you for the battles. Believe me nowhere does God say you will never fight. I believe you fight only to build up the courage to better resist the devil. We are labeled The Fallen only because we were born into sin and sin is what continues to keep us from God.
The word redeem means to buy back or repurchase. We were once God's people before sin...then we changed ownership because the devil likes that we sin against God. Walk with your head held high because God has redeemed His people. He loved you and I so much that He was willing to buy us back. Live with God in your heart and walk with Him and you will no longer be fallen but LIFTED UP!
Yesus Gitano!
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