Being here in California I have the chance to go to the Happiest Place On Earth or so it's called. A place where you can see all the characters from your favorite Disney movie. A place where you pay roughly $80 dollars just to visit this land of make believe. The more I thought about this place, the more I thought they should change the name to the most expensive place on Earth. Although, the purpose of this article though is not to compare prices at a theme park. It's to tell you that there is another place you can go to that is not make believe. There is a place where you can have the best time of your life and it's all free. Church is open everyone, not only those who can afford it. At Church you can go as many times as you like. Disneyland is a great place to go I'll admit. My girls when they go there they have a great time. We have annual passes to go there. I'm not saying don't ever go to Disneyland but what I am saying though is Church is the happiest place on Earth. You can go to Church and it has all your favorite characters from the Bible. I may on occasion be upset about something unrelated to Church and when I come out of Church I'm carefree. My spirit and heart are free. I am ready to face any challenges and know that I'm going to win. Every day thousands of people visit Disneyland so they can go back to when they were kids and have no worries or problems. For one day they can forget about the problems of the world.
The reason Disneyland is so successful is because they sell you a Fairy Tale. They want you to think that in there world every thing is so amazing and drama free. But in reality there are people committing crimes every day. Some really petty and some really disturbing. There is no Fairy Tale in the world we live in, there is only The Truth. The Church is where you need to be. Having Jesus in your heart is where you need to be. Being focused and in tune into God's plan is where you need to be. The Bible says that this world will end but it's going to get worse before it's gets better. A Fairy Tale is a story that is suppose to bring you comfort and hope. Keep Jesus in your heart and you'll have all the comfort you'll ever need. Tightly grasp your faith and remember God's promise and you'll always have hope. In a world where murders are climbing at an alarming rate, where the economy doesn't seem to be getting better, and it seems the end of world is getting nearer and nearer. We as Christians need to stand together and show everyone that the Church is better than make believe, Heaven is free to anyone, and that THE TRUTH is better than any Fairy Tale!
Yesus Gitano,
Well done my friend...creative, true, insightful, fun to read, carries your passion, I love your heart and it comes through in what you write. Thanks for blessing me.