Yesus Gitano! Yesus Gitano...well your probably wondering what this means. It means Jesus is Lord in Amharic. It is very easy to say the words and to believe the words but living these words is the hard part. A lot of Christians believe Jesus is Lord but implementing it into there lives is something different. You see it happens to me. I believe Jesus is Lord but sometimes I live as if I'm Lord. It is very easy to be caught up in the world...so many things going on. Your mind is always being distracted by the enemy. There are many times that I'm planning on spending time with the Lord where something distracts me and I end up not spending the time with God. The enemy(Devil) is very good at distracting you. He is very good at making you believe things and his sole purpose is to confuse you just enough so you don't spend time with God. In my trip to Ethiopia there was no time, no distractions...it was very easy to spend time with God. There loving God is what they do best and it makes me realize that material possessions only distracts you and takes time away from God. God is the truth, He will never confuse you...in fact God shines the light so your mistakes are made aware to you in the dark. I admire the Pastor of our Church Larry because he does not have a T.V. in his home. That is one of the major distractions I have that takes my time away from God. Jesus said Not everyone who says Jesus is Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven...Those that confess with there mouths and believe in there hearts will be admitted. You see it's easy to say the words but you need to live the life.
The picture that is attached to this blog is that of my daughter after being born. In order to live the life of Jesus is Lord we have to have the heart of a child. My daughter when she was born...didn't know about any material possessions, any distractions, didn't care for things of the world...the only thing she wanted was someone to clothe her and feed her. I think essentially that's all we need is to be like Paul the Apostle. Our Father will always look out for us. We are His best interest but at the same time we need to acknowledge Him. I can't ask God for help and then spend all day watching T.V. or anything else that is going to take me away from him. You see the only way God will help you is if you spend time with Him. It's one thing to ask for help but then you have to acknowledge him by spending time in the Word, Praying, Worshipping Him and given Him your time. God is just looking to be friends with you. I'm not saying don't have possessions...not at all...just don't let what you own posses you! Ask God for guidance and truth...ask for strength to better resist the world but above all live for Jesus...live like Jesus and don't be discouraged...everybody falters. Just continue to ask for forgiveness and keep Yesus Gitano in your heart always!!
May God Bless you and keep you safe
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