This picture is when I really had to accept change. You see we had to camp out for 4 days in a place where there was no running water, no restroom, no fast food, and no luxuries. I learned this simple equation in Africa. Before going on this trip my life was comfortable. I was involved in ministry and I went to Church every Sunday. But while on this trip I have come to realize that if you open yourself to change. God will utilize you and maximize your potential. I feel that because I have opened up myself more to change. God is turning me from a good Christian to a great one. I'm not there yet but I have tasted God's will in my life and I'm hungry for more. I think many Christians fight with change because of comfort. I understand it is a big step to accept Christ as your savior. But many Christians accept Christ and think that's all it takes to being a Christian and although that is a major part there is much more than just that. Everybody in life has a purpose but if you don't accept change your purpose will never be fulfilled. When my daughter was born she loved to drink formula a lot...but as she got older we gave her different things like water and milk. At first she looked confused because it was something different but slowly she began to love it. Then she tired apple juice and had a new love. The point is that even though she was skeptical about trying different things she soon realized it wasn't that bad and she would love it. Us as Christians we tend to want to stay on our formula because that's all we know. God doesn't force you to drink something else but He always shows you it's there.
Being on this trip I realized that God can use the simplest person and use him in such a way that you want to hear what he has to say. For instance there was a pastor named Tashoma who was from our Jimma Church. When we first met him he seemed really shy and timid. But when he started preaching. The Holy Spirit changed him and he had authority and confidence. He spoke Amharic and even though I had no idea what he was saying I was like Amen brother. That's when I knew that if you just let go of comfort and accept change. You will see the true power of God. I knew that whatever I faced or did I would not be alone. The Holy Spirit will help me. You see I've never prayed for healing...but in Africa that's exactly what I did and I felt like I've been doing it for years. I've never sang in front of 1200 people...Actually I've never sang period but in Africa The Holy Spirit changed me and it was awesome to sing for the Lord and His people. What I've come to understand is that God is amazing but what's more amazing is just to let God be God. Don't hold back! Don't let yourself stop you! Everybody has the potential to do miraculous things. I encourage everyone don't be afraid of change. During the trip I saw change vs comfort. But at the end of the trip I saw change + Holy Spirit = JOY! Live for Joy.
May God Bless you and keep you safe
Powerful word, Carlos!! Your formula is profound and so true. I wish Christians would understand what you are saying here!