Monday, July 13, 2009


These three little words amazingly can save lives. The word means water but it is said in Amharic which is the native language of Ethiopia. You see water is like gold in certain parts of Ethiopia, Africa...especially in a village called Bitta Genet. Water that you and I use to brush our teeth, to take showers, to flush our toilets, to wash our hands, to drink on hot summer days. Water is life to these people. Coming back from a trip in where water is really rare and going to the movies yesterday here in the states and seeing an ad that said "Water so good that it makes your mouth water" It breaks your heart to see that anywhere you go you can get bottle water. That there are companies making millions of dollars selling water. I remember when I was little there was no bottled water and we just drank from our water hose when we got thirsty. It breaks your heart that the kids in Bitta Genet just wanted water from us. I wish the world could see what we saw on our trip and so I put a video together that gives you a glimpse of what we saw. The best part of this story...actually there are two best parts. One is that they have hope in God. They trust in God and they have happiness in that hope. Every person we saw was always smiling and laughing.

The second part of the story that an organization called Lime along with the Church I attend met with the mayor of Bitta Genet and they discussed the possibility of building a well. Which would bring so much Joy to this village as well as villages near by. There was one lady who just wanted us to pray for her and said that the Lord will supply her needs. I love that...Jesus said it best "If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink". In Africa our Pastor showed the people of Bitta Genet a bottled water and reemphasized that statement. I loved that and it brings home the point trust in the Lord. If anybody would like to contribute to the building of the well in Bitta Genet please go to WWW.LIMEWORKS.ORG

May God Bless you and keep you safe


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