Thursday, July 30, 2009
May God Bless you and keep you safe.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Yes Or No
May God Bless you and keep you safe
Saturday, July 25, 2009
There is another five letter word that means hope and peace. There is a five letter word that gives your life confidence and stability. The word is SAVED!! Whether I die tonight or 50 years from now. I can view death and be glad because I believe in God and His promises. I live knowing that when God calls me home it will one of the best days of my life. When I die I want my family and my Church family to rejoice in knowing I'm going home. I want everyone to know they can be saved. Accept Jesus and put Him first in your life and you can have the same type of hope. You can live knowing that when you die you will be God's paradise. I am truly saddened because I have to realize that not everyone will be saved...not everyone wants to follow Jesus or choose to love God. I pray for those people that one day they can see the light. I pray that everybody who has a chance to save not give up. Please continue to pray for those who are not saved...continue to love. When you hug someone...hug for an extra 10 seconds. Smile more and live for God. Death is a five letter word that brings sadness...but there is another five letter word that brings LIFE.....JESUS!!!!!!!
May God Bless you and keep you safe.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
May God Bless You and keep you safe
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I want you to see God's heart in me. I want you to see that I love everyone I meet. I want you to see that I'm willing to help anyone that needs help. I want to bring hope to the hopeless and I want to spread the good news about Jesus. I want to be a blessing to others. I want to give whatever I can to help people love God. I want to help people follow Jesus. I want to share my knowledge and wisdom to help people understand God. But most importantly I want to help people understand that they are more sinful than they can believe but they are more loved than they can imagine. You see the great thing about our lives is that however we are we can be saved. The life that I am in charge of can be forgiven...I can be transformed. I can have love, peace, kindness, understanding, affection and be caring. You see the Holy Spirit is what you should have in charge of your life. Paul once said that there is ZERO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. What this means is you can't just come to Church on have to take the Church with you when you leave and carry it in your heart. Jesus just can't be your Savior...He has to be your best friend and hero. He has to be your role model and teacher. I encourage everyone to let the Holy Spirit lead your life. So when you see me know that your not seeing my life. Your seeing a friend of God, your seeing His Servant, and best of all your seeing GOD'S HEART!!
May God Bless you and keep you safe
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The picture that is attached to this blog is that of my daughter after being born. In order to live the life of Jesus is Lord we have to have the heart of a child. My daughter when she was born...didn't know about any material possessions, any distractions, didn't care for things of the world...the only thing she wanted was someone to clothe her and feed her. I think essentially that's all we need is to be like Paul the Apostle. Our Father will always look out for us. We are His best interest but at the same time we need to acknowledge Him. I can't ask God for help and then spend all day watching T.V. or anything else that is going to take me away from him. You see the only way God will help you is if you spend time with Him. It's one thing to ask for help but then you have to acknowledge him by spending time in the Word, Praying, Worshipping Him and given Him your time. God is just looking to be friends with you. I'm not saying don't have possessions...not at all...just don't let what you own posses you! Ask God for guidance and truth...ask for strength to better resist the world but above all live for like Jesus and don't be discouraged...everybody falters. Just continue to ask for forgiveness and keep Yesus Gitano in your heart always!!
May God Bless you and keep you safe
Monday, July 13, 2009
These three little words amazingly can save lives. The word means water but it is said in Amharic which is the native language of Ethiopia. You see water is like gold in certain parts of Ethiopia, Africa...especially in a village called Bitta Genet. Water that you and I use to brush our teeth, to take showers, to flush our toilets, to wash our hands, to drink on hot summer days. Water is life to these people. Coming back from a trip in where water is really rare and going to the movies yesterday here in the states and seeing an ad that said "Water so good that it makes your mouth water" It breaks your heart to see that anywhere you go you can get bottle water. That there are companies making millions of dollars selling water. I remember when I was little there was no bottled water and we just drank from our water hose when we got thirsty. It breaks your heart that the kids in Bitta Genet just wanted water from us. I wish the world could see what we saw on our trip and so I put a video together that gives you a glimpse of what we saw. The best part of this story...actually there are two best parts. One is that they have hope in God. They trust in God and they have happiness in that hope. Every person we saw was always smiling and laughing.
The second part of the story that an organization called Lime along with the Church I attend met with the mayor of Bitta Genet and they discussed the possibility of building a well. Which would bring so much Joy to this village as well as villages near by. There was one lady who just wanted us to pray for her and said that the Lord will supply her needs. I love that...Jesus said it best "If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink". In Africa our Pastor showed the people of Bitta Genet a bottled water and reemphasized that statement. I loved that and it brings home the point trust in the Lord. If anybody would like to contribute to the building of the well in Bitta Genet please go to WWW.LIMEWORKS.ORG
May God Bless you and keep you safe
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Change Vs Comfort = Struggle

This picture is when I really had to accept change. You see we had to camp out for 4 days in a place where there was no running water, no restroom, no fast food, and no luxuries. I learned this simple equation in Africa. Before going on this trip my life was comfortable. I was involved in ministry and I went to Church every Sunday. But while on this trip I have come to realize that if you open yourself to change. God will utilize you and maximize your potential. I feel that because I have opened up myself more to change. God is turning me from a good Christian to a great one. I'm not there yet but I have tasted God's will in my life and I'm hungry for more. I think many Christians fight with change because of comfort. I understand it is a big step to accept Christ as your savior. But many Christians accept Christ and think that's all it takes to being a Christian and although that is a major part there is much more than just that. Everybody in life has a purpose but if you don't accept change your purpose will never be fulfilled. When my daughter was born she loved to drink formula a lot...but as she got older we gave her different things like water and milk. At first she looked confused because it was something different but slowly she began to love it. Then she tired apple juice and had a new love. The point is that even though she was skeptical about trying different things she soon realized it wasn't that bad and she would love it. Us as Christians we tend to want to stay on our formula because that's all we know. God doesn't force you to drink something else but He always shows you it's there.
Being on this trip I realized that God can use the simplest person and use him in such a way that you want to hear what he has to say. For instance there was a pastor named Tashoma who was from our Jimma Church. When we first met him he seemed really shy and timid. But when he started preaching. The Holy Spirit changed him and he had authority and confidence. He spoke Amharic and even though I had no idea what he was saying I was like Amen brother. That's when I knew that if you just let go of comfort and accept change. You will see the true power of God. I knew that whatever I faced or did I would not be alone. The Holy Spirit will help me. You see I've never prayed for healing...but in Africa that's exactly what I did and I felt like I've been doing it for years. I've never sang in front of 1200 people...Actually I've never sang period but in Africa The Holy Spirit changed me and it was awesome to sing for the Lord and His people. What I've come to understand is that God is amazing but what's more amazing is just to let God be God. Don't hold back! Don't let yourself stop you! Everybody has the potential to do miraculous things. I encourage everyone don't be afraid of change. During the trip I saw change vs comfort. But at the end of the trip I saw change + Holy Spirit = JOY! Live for Joy.
May God Bless you and keep you safe
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Blessed beyond difficulties!

Wow this is my first post. It is a very monumental occasion in my life because I get to share with you my thoughts and my life. I recently came back from a trip to Ethiopia, Africa. Where I learned 2 very important things. It was a trip filled with struggles and adventure but also it was filled with joy and happiness. Going into this trip you don't expect anything but you prepare for the worst. What I gained on this trip outweighed any troubles we encountered. So the first thing I learned on this trip is God's Love. You see going to Church you get to see God's love first hand but applying it to your life is different. My father rarely told me he loved me in my fact right before I left on my trip he stopped by for a visit. Before we parted ways I looked at him and said I love you but he just got in his car and drove off. I would've given anything just to hear him say I love you to me but I have realized that I don't need his love because I have a Heavenly Father who always loves me. Actually one of the reasons I came to know Christ was because of the Pastor of Light and Life named Larry. The first time I met him he told me he loved me. You see God knew what I needed in my life and he used Larry to tell me. In Africa there were people there that wore the same clothes every day, had flies following them all the time, and hardly took showers. Here in the U.S. it is very hard to walk up to a homeless man who is similar to the people in Africa and give him a hug. I am the first to admit I haven't done this here in America...but in Africa the people there are excited to see you and all they want to do is hug you and hold your hand. You can see God's Love in them and I was blessed because I got to hug and hold alot of peoples hands. You see it's not Americans and Ethiopians. It's not us and's my brothers and sisters. It's God's family! Going on this trip has showed me what's it like to love God's people without restriction.
The second thing that I learned is the gratefulness the people of Africa have for God. These are people that have no material possessions, no running water, no abundance of clothes, and really no money. Yet they thank God for life, they thank God for smiles and laughter, they thank God for peace. Here we take life for granite and plan for tomorrow. There they just live in the moment and enjoy it to the fullest. Every Church service we went to when the people would worship they would do it as if God himself were right in front of them and they just wanted to please Him. They trust in God completely and rely on Him for any need they have. They have nothing and they are so grateful...I have allot and it makes me realize that I should be extra thankful. There were times were we faced difficulties and I would get stressed out but I felt like God would smile and say My son why do you worry. This trip has made me realize that if you trust in God your blessings will always outweigh your difficulties.
May God Bless you and keep you safe.