Tuesday, November 1, 2011


These are some very powerful words especially in a time where it's so easy to give up. It's so easy to throw in the towel when you're in a fight getting beat up. When you're stuck in a valley and every time you try getting out...you fall right back in. See what makes life so hard is that we have freedom of choice. Our choices sometimes make life great and sometimes put us in a ditch. We make decisions based on what we see and not what's ahead. What I mean is that we see a road filled with pot holes and we take a different route because we don't like facing obstacles. We want to choose the easy way because we don't want to struggle. Not knowing that those obstacles were put in front of you for a purpose. To make you stronger, to test you in life, and to make you a better person. If you never learn then you will never gain anything. When you hit rock bottom, you have two choices. Two choices that will decide who you are. You can choose to stay down or get back up. See I struggle with not seeing the road ahead and taking the detours. All the detours do in life is slow you down and take you off the main road. I also realized that when your in the basement, you can't go any lower. But, you can decide that it's okay to stay down there. God didn't create you to stay in a basement. He wants you in the living room being a light for everyone to see. Its not easy to try and get out of that ditch on your own and you're not going to make it to the top. Know that you can make it on your own but without God you will never make it to the top. I guarantee you! My good friend spent 16 years trapped in a jail cell. Many of us have never been to jail but we are trapped in a cell just the same. We are trapped because we keep taking the same detours. We keep falling for the same mistakes. We are trapped because we don't bring our struggles to God first or ask for His guidance. For me personally, most of the time I make decisions based on what I see rather allowing God to show me.

So what do you do when you don't know what to do? Hang On! It may rain today, tomorrow, and next week but sooner or later if you Hang On it will stop raining. Recognizing that when it rains sometimes it's better to stay indoors and let the rain pass. What that means is in our lives when struggles arise, we need to take time to slow down and evaluate the situation. There is a line in a movie that I think is a great line. I didn't make it rain, I just have the best umbrella. We can't stop the rain but we need God to be our umbrella to get through the storm. God can't be your umbrella if you're not Hanging On to Him. Hang on to His Word. You need God's Word to give you comfort and peace in your storm. Hang On to His Promise. He will never give you anything you can't handle. He will never give you anything you can't carry. Remember through the rain, you can be victorious. You can overcome. Hang On to His strength and courage. you can't be scared in life. You can't be scared to take some punches or to be knocked down. YOU WILL GET KNOCKED DOWN. But that can't stop you from trying again. You have to fight and work not to get what you need but to find victory. Lastly, Hang On to God's Love. He loves us so much that through our journey the ups and downs. In our darkness or in our victories, He never gives up on us. It's us who give up on Him. It's us who shut Him out. It's us who say we don't need Him or blame Him for the things that have happened to us. For everyone in a struggle...for everyone that is going through rough times...For everyone in a storm right now. You don't have to face life alone! You have a choice. HANG ON TO GOD!



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