Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Trust is a hard word because you are relying on something to happen not knowing if it's going to happen or not. My situation right now has me looking for God and trusting Him to help me. You see my life was great about a month ago but right now it's not so great. I had planned to move my family out of our present house with another house lined up...but the lining up part fell through so in a couple of days my family and I will not have a place to live. This is where the Trust part comes in rather nicely. I Trust in God to make things happen but I have to take the practical steps in order for God to move. I can't just say okay God I have no place to live and I'm just going to sit here waiting for you to give me a house. Doesn't work that way...I mean God is almighty and powerful that if He wanted to He can do that no problem...but what lesson would I learn. That when I'm stuck God can bail me out without me doing anything. Sounds great but no! I understand God is the creator of the universe but He is still my Father. As a Father he wants us to learn from our situation. In life the only way you can grow and move forward is by learning. As I get older everyday I am constantly learning. As Christians as we travel on our road to Heaven we will falter and make mistakes. But we learn...well for some of takes a while of doing the same mistake over and over for us to say wait a second.

Right now I am putting all my faith and Trust in God because only He knows the best road for me to take. I trust in Him because only He knows the best way for my family to travel. Whether or not I get a house in a couple of days or have to live out of a hotel room. That does not change how I feel about God at all. I can never question God's will for my life. I may not understand it...It may frustrate me at times but I know deep down in my heart whatever He plans for me it's to better me as a Christian and as His son. Of course I would love for my life to be all peaches and cream but every Christian knows that sometimes life gives you a heartache and stress. But just take a second and imagine if life was always so grand and perfect. What need would there be for God. None right! So no I rather have the heartache and stress till He calls me home and I get to have a beautiful house right next to a river and live rent free for the rest of my eternity and have Jesus Christ or Paul as a neighbor. How cool is that? Of course my house would probably be small compared to Jesus's house but none the less I would love for God to be my landlord. I'm stressing right now because of my housing situation not for myself but for my family. But the big picture is that there are people dying of thirst, of persecution, people not having any jobs so in comparison my problem is not as great as others. My trust in my Lord is great not only for a house but just in my every day life. Every blessing I have is because of Him. One of the first lessons in learning how to Trust is you have to learn how to let go. Let go of your worries and your stress and let God be Jehovah Jireh.

May God Bless you and Keep you safe



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