Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pass Away

It's a known fact that life passes away. Everyone you love will pass away...Everything you touch will pass away. Flowers, people, animals, cars, money...Everything in this world dies sooner or later and that brings me down. The reason why it brings me down is because if life passes away without full filing it's purpose then it's just a wasted life. I get up every morning come to work, put in my 8 hours then go home and spend time with my kids every day. Am I fulfilling my purpose or just taking up space? Someone told me today that the world is going to end and they said in 2012. I don't doubt this world will end but what brought me down about this person's statement was that they said they are going to get really drunk that day so they don't have to feel any pain from it. Is this the solution? To drown our pain away or future pain. Is society that lost it's much better to hide your pain then to find a solution? Alcohol and drugs hide your pain but for how long? In a lot of cases it actually makes the pain worse. I saw a movie this past weekend with my wife Sunshine Cleaning. It was a movie in which the main characters clean up a crime scene in which people kill themselves. It was disturbing because I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to kill themselves. By doing that your playing God and taking away the precious gift that has been given to you. I wake up in the morning and my life may not be that exciting but I'm happy that I have life. I can breathe, laugh, smile and enjoy. Yes circumstances cause stress and heartache and can be very hard but not hard enough to end life. Yes I'm sad because people don't see the joy of life. What can I do to help people see that? What can I say to make people see that there life doesn't have to be wasted?

In life everybody has a choice...everybody has a solution. Everybody has a way out from there troubles. Remember I'm saying everybody has a way out...in no way I'm saying you will be free from trouble. In fact when the world ends there will be more heartache and sorrow you will have to endure. I have sorrow because I have to realize that I can't save everyone. Please God give me the strength and the words needed to help as many people as I can. God is your answer. Always was, always will be. He is the First and Last. God knows everything about me and He knows everything about you. When life passes away... always stay focused on Him. Don't let anger, confusion, drugs, alcohol, and especially the Devil take your pain away. Let God heal your sorrows. Let God take you under his wing and protect you. His promise is that He will never give you more than you can bear. But the problem with that is that if your a really strong person you will have a lot to bear. Just stay strong!! Do not break!! Do not give in!! Evil is a very strong word but it's very easy to succumb to. God is good!! Trust God in everything. One day your life will cease to exist...don't wait for tomorrow when you can save someone today! Live for God.

May God Bless You


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

When it Rains It Pours!!

So I'm sitting at my desk today after a weekend that was really difficult for me. As stated in my previous blog me and the family were looking for a house. We had to be out of our present home by 9/18. Me and my wife prayed all week as well as others also. So the Lord heard our prayer and we found a house on 9/17 a day before we had to move out...talk about cutting it close. I took the day off on 9/18 so that way I would be able to move out of the house. Well I was on my way to the bank around 7am and I get pulled over by the police. They ask for my liescence and go back to there car and I was like man I do not need this right now. I just moved into a new house and now I will have to pay a ticket. The officer comes back to my car and asks me to step out and takes me to the back of the car. I ask him what's going on and he instructed me to turn around and was placing me under arrest. I'm a pretty good guy, I don't drink or smoke. Never did any drugs, work hard during the week and you can find me in Church Sunday morning. So what possibly can this officer be arresting me for. Well it turns out there is an arrest warrant for me. Me!! Can you believe that..well I couldn't. Oh it gets better the arrest warrant is for 26,000 dollars. American Dollars!! I looked at the officer and said is this a joke maybe this was a new t.v. show or something and I was getting pranked. But sadly the officer said this wasn't a joke. So there I am for roughly 4 hours sitting in Jail. Not knowing what is going to happen just praying and praying.

See what I've come to learn in my walk with the Lord is that struggles and heartache come in bunches. The devil will seek to destroy you when you are at your weakest. One things goes wrong and your faith can get you through it...but when you have 3 or 4 or 5 things go wrong then your faith is really tested. The devil made it really hard for me this past week. He took away my house, He took away my car, he took away my freedom by putting me in jail. But he didn't take away my FAITH, he didn't take my LOVE, he didn't take away my TRUST, he didn't take away my STRENGTH, and he didn't take away my HOPE. You take all the material possessions away from me and you can even take away my freedom. But my faithfulness and my love to my Father, My Savior will never be taken from me. Life will be stressful and full of pain and hurt. But as long as you have hope you will always have life, joy, and happiness. Pain and hurt are always temporary. But the love from the father is forever. Your happiness will outlive your sorrow. The devil tested me but God gave me. God gave me back a house, my car and my freedom. God has blessed me more than I can ever imagine and forever will I be grateful. God not only gave me a house here on Earth but a house in His Kingdom. Not only do I have my car back but God gave me His son so I can take the road to Heaven. I am happy to be out of Jail I would hate to be there again but God gave me freedom from bondage physically but also spiritually. I am a free man with my x ray glasses(thanks Larry) to see my life the way God wants me to see it. No longer being ashamed of sin but being free from it. Thank you everyone who prayed for my housing situation. I ask God to bless each and everyone of you.


May God Bless you and Keep you safe


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Trust is a hard word because you are relying on something to happen not knowing if it's going to happen or not. My situation right now has me looking for God and trusting Him to help me. You see my life was great about a month ago but right now it's not so great. I had planned to move my family out of our present house with another house lined up...but the lining up part fell through so in a couple of days my family and I will not have a place to live. This is where the Trust part comes in rather nicely. I Trust in God to make things happen but I have to take the practical steps in order for God to move. I can't just say okay God I have no place to live and I'm just going to sit here waiting for you to give me a house. Doesn't work that way...I mean God is almighty and powerful that if He wanted to He can do that no problem...but what lesson would I learn. That when I'm stuck God can bail me out without me doing anything. Sounds great but no! I understand God is the creator of the universe but He is still my Father. As a Father he wants us to learn from our situation. In life the only way you can grow and move forward is by learning. As I get older everyday I am constantly learning. As Christians as we travel on our road to Heaven we will falter and make mistakes. But we learn...well for some of us...it takes a while of doing the same mistake over and over for us to say wait a second.

Right now I am putting all my faith and Trust in God because only He knows the best road for me to take. I trust in Him because only He knows the best way for my family to travel. Whether or not I get a house in a couple of days or have to live out of a hotel room. That does not change how I feel about God at all. I can never question God's will for my life. I may not understand it...It may frustrate me at times but I know deep down in my heart whatever He plans for me it's to better me as a Christian and as His son. Of course I would love for my life to be all peaches and cream but every Christian knows that sometimes life gives you a heartache and stress. But just take a second and imagine if life was always so grand and perfect. What need would there be for God. None right! So no I rather have the heartache and stress till He calls me home and I get to have a beautiful house right next to a river and live rent free for the rest of my eternity and have Jesus Christ or Paul as a neighbor. How cool is that? Of course my house would probably be small compared to Jesus's house but none the less I would love for God to be my landlord. I'm stressing right now because of my housing situation not for myself but for my family. But the big picture is that there are people dying of thirst, of persecution, people not having any jobs so in comparison my problem is not as great as others. My trust in my Lord is great not only for a house but just in my every day life. Every blessing I have is because of Him. One of the first lessons in learning how to Trust is you have to learn how to let go. Let go of your worries and your stress and let God be Jehovah Jireh.

May God Bless you and Keep you safe



Friday, September 11, 2009



Wow it's been so long since I've been on here. I hear so many non believers use this term a lot without knowing the meaning behind it. Things like a baby is born without an arm…was that God’s will. Or a fire destroyed my home was that God’s will for me to be homeless. First off let me just say this God created us. And being his creation who are we to question anything he does. He could’ve destroyed us at any given moment because we disobeyed him. We chose to sin against him and because he loved us he sent his only Son to die for our sins. So honestly whatever God wants to do is okay by me. Secondly everybody has a purpose in life. We are designed for a reason. God plans everything out…things you might not understand or might not see at the moment but they are made with a direction.

I spoke to a lady once and she told me that she had a son who was born with a lung problem. He had to be on a respirator since he was born…she prayed to God everyday to heal her baby. After a couple of weeks the baby passed away. Now here is the question did God heal her baby? The outside world would say no. That God let the baby die…I believe not only did God answer her prayer. He healed her baby. He took the baby to be in Heaven with him where the baby will not suffer anymore. She asked for him to heal the baby and that’s what he did. She realized that God had done exactly what she asked for and praised him for it. A year later she had a beautiful healthy baby. Was God testing her faith? I believe so. I believe God wanted to see what would she do…and I think this is where our society loses. Our society is so easy to point fingers without fully understanding why. It is so easy to blame without taking a step back and seeing the whole picture. Most people can only see what’s in front of them. If I ask God make my life better and I get fired from my job. Am I asking for that? Not really but I understand because God knows that if I search for him he will provide. What better way of providing when I need it the most right. I think losing a job would be a perfect time. Or if someone would lose a house or a friend. There are many questions in life that have no answers and if I were, or anybody for that matter was able to answer them all. Then the God of Israel wouldn’t be almighty. The God who I praise and worship wouldn’t be so great. That is one of things I look forward to when I get to Heaven is being able to ask questions, but not now. Who am I to go against God’s will? Who am I to say why God this or why God that? I am a humble servant that needs nothing but grace and gives everything to him.

I understand what God’s will is. I know what his plan is. Is God’s will easy? That is the million dollar question and why so many get lost in the trials. 2 TIMOTHY 3:12 YES, AND ALL WHO DESIRE TO LIVE GODLY IN CHRIST JESUS WILL SUFFER PERSECUTION. I believe this is one of the main reasons why people falter. They don’t know how to rejoice during persecution. Persecution is not easy thing to handle. I remember when I was trying to reach people and over 90% of the people I tried reaching hated Jesus and we’re telling me really rude comments. This was a person who they never met, never did anything to them and they hated him. They hated me for trying to change there life. I found it disturbing that what I was trying to do God’s will and they despised me for it. In society a lot of people get judged because they don’t understand. I think Christians everyday get viewed under a microscope. People are looking for any reason to point fingers because they need a reason to continue to live the way they want. You see if you tell them the truth and they don’t want to hear it they try to find a fault or more simply an escape. Jesus said if you want to be like me then take up your cross and follow me daily. Being Christian is very hard. Believe me the more you try to reach the non believers the more they try to nail you to that cross. Jesus also said that when the world hates you…they have hated me first. So I know that if someone is rude to me. It’s okay because they just don’t understand. We as believers trust in God to give us the strength and wisdom needed to help people understand. God’s will is never easy to do and sometimes very hard to understand because people get comfortable with there lives or don’t see the big picture.

But one thing I do know about God’s will is that we were designed to live it out.

May God Bless You