Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Finally my heart is complete again. My wife is finally home from her vacation with her family. It was a long time that we were apart but I'm so happy and glad she is home. It was a struggle at times because I tried to do things by myself. I was getting stressed out, losing patience at times and just getting angry...but it made me realize that what I should've been doing was asking God for strength and peace. I shouldv'e been praying more and studying the Word more. You see God is always there for you and He actually wants you to look to Him. Many times we as Christians forget that and try to do things by ourselves. Well I know I have. There are times where I feel that God is the creator and is to be praised and glorified for what I have and it's true but I have to remember that God is my friend also and He wants me to ask for help. Not only when circumstances are beyond your control but also when you have some bit of control. No matter how big or small the problem is He's your father who expects his children to have times of great struggle and that's where God really shines. That's when He's at his best. When He is able to prove to you that your not alone or there isn't anything He can't do if you believe. I'm reminded of the story of a lady in the Bible that had so much faith that she thought if she only can touch Jesus clothes He would help her. And that's exactly what He did. I believe that everybody has the faith to move mountains but they lack the vision to see it happen. What that means is each one of us has the power to do great things but at the same time we ourselves are the ones that hold back our potential. Why?

Well I can think of two reasons...the first is because we do not look to God enough. We don't know how to rejoice in the trials and tribulations because we are focused on ourselves rather than God. We look at the problems rather than the possibilities, we look at the troubles rather then the outcomes, but most importantly we keep our eyes on the dark rather than the light. It is very easy to step in a hole, stay in a hole and wonder why your still in the hole. We all step in holes I don't care who you's going to happen. What you have to do is evaluate the hole and then ask God to help you and have faith knowing that God is going to get you out. That is the only way you will move that mountain. You have to stay focused on God and keep believing don't doubt not for one second. The second reason is simply the devil. The devil is a mastermind at confusing people. You can stand in front of that mountain have the faith to see it move but then the devil will come along and say "Mountain? Ha you can't even move this pebble" See the devil likes to trick and confuse you because once he knows he can confuse you then the better he will be at directing you away from God. You need to constantly ask the Holy Spirit to guard your mind. I have struggles and I falter just like anybody else but at the end of the day I still believe with God's help I can move that mountain.


May God Bless You and keep you safe.


Monday, August 3, 2009


You know WITHOUT is a hard word to deal with. That means your missing something and right now I'm missing my wife from my life. She went on vacation with her family to Mexico for about 11 days and this is the second time in about a month where we have been apart this many days. Prior to this the most we have ever been apart was 2 days. So it's very difficult to go through but I know God will keep me strong and keep moving forward. So I got to thinking what if I was without God in my life? All the bad memories and bad times were when God was not in my life. Everytime I look back and remember certain moments. I realize that I went through that part by myself and WITHOUT God. It's not that God was not's just that I chose not to let him in. I heard about God and I knew who He was but I never said yes to God. I chose that life my way was better than God's way. And I'll be the first in line to tell you that I was wrong! Did you read that. I was wrong!! God is what makes your life better. He is what makes your life worth living. I don't know how He does it but He continues to give you blessings and makes you realize things that you may have not seen before. When me and my wife first got married...we didn't get along the way we do now. We argued about alot of things and we really didn't understand each other. We didn't realize how beautiful and how perfect we were for each other...why because when we first got married we were WITHOUT God. God wasn't involved in our lives. God wasn't the one in charge of our lives we were. Again I can tell you that being without God in our marriage just made things so much worse. God not only helped our marriage. He made us realize how perfect we are for each's not like were different people...we are the same people when we first got married but God gave us each a heart transplant in where we received new hearts. New hearts for God and for each other. Right now I miss my wife more than anything not only because she's my best friend but because she missed Church with me. I just want anybody that reads this to know you need God in your life. Whatever you do, wherever you go He is something you do not want to be WITHOUT!!